A Man in Demand, John Moldthan Top Teacher 2001 - Interview by Didio Barrera at the United States Dance Sport Championships
Last year (2001) at the USDSC, John Moldthan was named the Top Teacher of the year - deservedly so! He worked hard throughout the year and he doesn't seem to be slowing down this year either. I've just returned from the Central Florida Heat event and he was once again top teacher and danced almost every heat.
Why does he have such a following? He not only teaches and dances at a high level, but he ensures his students have a blast while they dance I have known John personally for many years and have yet to see a change in his attitude. He continues to have a great sense of humor, something that is quite apparent in this interview. It is this sense or fun that makes a John a special person in our industry.
So here is John Moldthan, Top Teacher, USDSC, 2001